While we were in Limburg, some family members surprised us by being in Koblenz, in Germany, that same weekend. With Maastricht and Koblenz being so close, and us with a car, we were excited to drive over to visit with them for the afternoon.
We left Itteren early! On our way out we stopped at the Drielandenpunt where Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands meet, and I stood in three countries at the same time! Reminded me a lot of Four Corners in the U.S. where you can be in four states all at once.
The rest of our morning we spent in Aachen, also on the way to Koblenz. We parked the car and explored the old streets, the Aachen Cathedral, and other sights. The cathedral was beautifully decorated and surrounded by verdant greenery. The church contains the remains of Emperor Charlemagne, a crazy golden shrine, and stunning central dome. Aachener Dom was one of the first 12 sites to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.
Our final stop in Aachen on the way out to continue our day was a nondescript street: Jakobstraße 21. The yellow and red brick building along this avenue was the site of a historically significant event: The Battle of Aachen in World War II. Bullet holes can still be seen, violently etched in the bricks. This was a stark reminder of what happens during war, and, especially with Ukraine at war today, it’s never been more prescient.
We continued our day by driving to Koblenz, exploring that beautiful city and spending precious time with family over pizza. It was a great day overall spent in Germany.