Rural Explorations as Fall Sets In

by hopesfrenzy

We settled into Burlington, Vermont with a walk to Lake Champlain, some wine, and an amazing dinner at Hen of the Wood. The next morning I got some coffee and breakfast to set us up for the morning, walking through the market as it was being set up.

Our day took us east, visiting Stowe (e.g. traffic jam central). We actually felt like we were going to Disneyland with the huge crowds in town for autumn. It was crazy!! But the drive through Smugglers Notch State Park was beautiful, and we were able to find a parking spot, throw on some hiking boots, and get up and out to Sterling Pond.

The last stop for the day was Montpelier and the state capitol building. We arrived just in time for the last tour! The hour was goofy and awkward, but informative, as all capitol tours are. The town was quiet, overall, and felt stormy. Before we left, we stopped at the grocery store to prepare for our night of camping.

Exploring with Stéphane
Location: Burlington & Stowe, Vermont, US

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