Strolling the Night Under Tower Lights

by hopesfrenzy

There’s not much to say about this post. I live in New York now, and everywhere is the memory of 9/11 – both for me personally, and culturally for this city. I work in a tall building. I remember those days.

You cannot walk a block or visit a museum without the presence of 9/11. Which is, of course, okay. The city still grieves personally.

On 9/11, Stéphane and I went on an hour+ walk at night from our workplaces to the 9/11 memorial. The people there were quick, but not frantic. There was not a lot of talking. People stared. Took pictures. It was peaceful and dark.

There was a heavy police presence.

Remembering with Stéphane
Location: 9/11 Memorial, New York, US

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